UTILITIES, INC. OF SANDALHAVEN is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P98000082575. Incorporation date of the company is at 23 September, 1998 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 200 WEATHERSFIELD AVENUE ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32714.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P98000082575
FEI/EIN Number 59-3564971
Date Filled Sep 23, 1998
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 200 Weathersfield Avenue
Altamonte Springs, Fl 32714
Mailing Address 2335 Sanders Rd
Northbrook, Il 60062
Registered Agent Corporation Service Company

Officers / Directors

UTILITIES, INC. OF SANDALHAVEN is currently managed by 10 persons. Persons written in the register are Hoy, John, with the seat at 200 WEATHERSFIELD AVENUE ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32714, Flynn, Patrick, with the seat at 200 WEATHERSFIELD AVENUE ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32714, Stover, John, with the seat at 2335 SANDERS RD NORTHBROOK, IL 60062, Plumb, Debra, with the seat at 2335 SANDERS RD NORTHBROOK, IL 60062, Hsu, Cheryl, with the seat at 13040 Cadencia Place San Diego, CA 92130, Andrejko, Jim, with the seat at 2335 SANDERS RD NORTHBROOK, IL 60062, Sparrow, Lisa, with the seat at 2335 SANDERS RD NORTHBROOK, IL 60062, Cumming, Hamish, with the seat at 2335 SANDERS RD NORTHBROOK, IL 60062, Anderson, Bruce, with the seat at 2335 SANDERS RD NORTHBROOK, IL 60062, Wozney, Carol, with the seat at 2335 SANDERS RD NORTHBROOK, IL 60062.

Hoy, John 200 Weathersfield Avenue Altamonte Springs, Fl 32714
Flynn, Patrick 200 Weathersfield Avenue Altamonte Springs, Fl 32714
Stover, John 2335 Sanders Rd Northbrook, Il 60062
Plumb, Debra 2335 Sanders Rd Northbrook, Il 60062
Hsu, Cheryl 13040 Cadencia Place San Diego, Ca 92130
Andrejko, Jim 2335 Sanders Rd Northbrook, Il 60062
Sparrow, Lisa 2335 Sanders Rd Northbrook, Il 60062
Cumming, Hamish 2335 Sanders Rd Northbrook, Il 60062
Anderson, Bruce 2335 Sanders Rd Northbrook, Il 60062
Wozney, Carol 2335 Sanders Rd Northbrook, Il 60062

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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