ORLANDO DENTAL & MEDICAL CENTER, INC. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P97000079057. Incorporation date of the company is at 11 September, 1997 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 2909 NORTH ORANGE AVE. SUITE 112 ORLANDO, FL 32804.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P97000079057
FEI/EIN Number 59-3467308
Date Filled Sep 11, 1997
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 2909 North Orange Ave.
Suite 112
Orlando, Fl 32804
Mailing Address 3333 S. Orange Ave
Suite 201
Orlando, Fl 32806
Registered Agent Daniel, Thomas A

Officers / Directors

ORLANDO DENTAL & MEDICAL CENTER, INC. is currently managed by 5 persons. Persons written in the register are DAVIES, DANIEL, with the seat at P.O. BOX 282595 SAN FRANSISCO, CA 94128, DAVIES, JOHN P, with the seat at 1040 SHINNECOCK HILLS DR OVIEDO, FL 32765, BROWN, MARY JANE, with the seat at 760 ARJAY WAY WINTER PARK, FL 32768, DAVIES, SUE D, with the seat at 4157 OLD LEEDS LANE MOUNTAIN BROOK, AL 36213, BROWN, PAUL H, with the seat at 760 ARJAY WAY WINTER PARK, FL 32768.

DAVIES, DANIEL P.o. Box 282595 San Fransisco, Ca 94128
DAVIES, JOHN P 1040 Shinnecock Hills Dr Oviedo, Fl 32765
BROWN, MARY JANE 760 Arjay Way Winter Park, Fl 32768
DAVIES, SUE D 4157 Old Leeds Lane Mountain Brook, Al 36213
BROWN, PAUL H 760 Arjay Way Winter Park, Fl 32768

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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