JEWISH MEMORIAL SOCIETY, INC. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P92000011858. Incorporation date of the company is at 15 December, 1992 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 111 SKOKIE BLVD WILMETTE, IL 60091.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P92000011858
FEI/EIN Number 36-3858967
Date Filled Dec 15, 1992
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 111 Skokie Blvd
Wilmette, Il 60091
Mailing Address 4126 Norland Ave.
Burnaby Bc., Canada V5G 3S8
Registered Agent C T Corporation System

Officers / Directors

JEWISH MEMORIAL SOCIETY, INC. is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are GUSHULAK, RONALD P, with the seat at LOEWEN GRP INTL INC STE 1000 311 ELM ST CINCINNATI, OH 45202, WEEDON, MICHAEL G, with the seat at 4126 NORLAND AVENUE BURNABY,B.C.,CANADA, HARDIMAN, JOSEPH T, with the seat at LOEWEN GRP INTL INC STE 1000 ELM ST CINCINNATI, OH 45202, HYNDMAN, PETER S., with the seat at 4126 NORLAND AVE. BURNABY BC., CANADA V5G 3S8, WEINSTEIN, ROBERT A., with the seat at 24100 N HWY 45 VERNON HILLS, IL 60061-3180, HAWKES, DWIGHT K, with the seat at THE LOEWEN GRP INTL INC 311 ELM ST CINCINNATI, OH 45202.

GUSHULAK, RONALD P Loewen Grp Intl Inc Ste 1000 311 Elm St Cincinnati, Oh 45202
WEEDON, MICHAEL G 4126 Norland Avenue Burnaby,B.c.,Canada
HARDIMAN, JOSEPH T Loewen Grp Intl Inc Ste 1000 Elm St Cincinnati, Oh 45202
HYNDMAN, PETER S. 4126 Norland Ave. Burnaby Bc., Canada V5G 3S8
WEINSTEIN, ROBERT A. 24100 N Hwy 45 Vernon Hills, Il 60061-3180
HAWKES, DWIGHT K The Loewen Grp Intl Inc 311 Elm St Cincinnati, Oh 45202

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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