LONDONI INVESTMENT CORP is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P22000030249. Incorporation date of the company is at 07 April, 2022 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 300 NW 42 AVE 207 MIAMI, FL 33126.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P22000030249
FEI/EIN Number
Date Filled Apr 7, 2022
Effective Filled Apr 7, 2022
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 300 Nw 42 Ave
Miami, Fl 33126
Mailing Address 300 Nw 42 Ave
Miami, Fl 33126
Registered Agent Aguila, Taymara

Officers / Directors

LONDONI INVESTMENT CORP is currently managed by 5 persons. Persons written in the register are LONDONO NINO, ANDRES, with the seat at 300 NW 42 AVE MIAMI, FL 33126, LONDONO NINO, OCTAVIO, with the seat at 4201 CATHEDRAL AVE NW, APT 224E WASHINGTON, DC 20016, LONDONO NINO, MARIA INGRID, with the seat at CALLE 131A#58-65 CUNDINAMARCA BOGOTA, BT 11111--1 CO, NINO BLANCO, NANCY, with the seat at KRA 21 #4-46 NORTE AVES DEL PARAI­SO, 67 VILLA NATALIA FUSAGASUGA, BT 25221--1 CO, LONDONO ROA, OCTAVIO, with the seat at KRA 21 4-46 NORTE AVES DEL PARAI­SO, 67 VILLA NATALIA FUSAGASUGA, BT 25221--1 CO.

LONDONO NINO, ANDRES 300 Nw 42 Ave Miami, Fl 33126
LONDONO NINO, OCTAVIO 4201 Cathedral Ave Nw, Apt 224E Washington, Dc 20016
LONDONO NINO, MARIA INGRID Calle 131A#58-65 Cundinamarca Bogota, Bt 11111--1 Co
NINO BLANCO, NANCY Kra 21 #4-46 Norte Aves Del Paraiâ­so, 67 Villa Natalia Fusagasuga, Bt 25221--1 Co
LONDONO ROA, OCTAVIO Kra 21 4-46 Norte Aves Del Paraiâ­so, 67 Villa Natalia Fusagasuga, Bt 25221--1 Co

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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