STA-KOLD CORPORATION is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P21000082216. Incorporation date of the company is at 17 September, 2021 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 11282 WINDEMERE BLVD Fishers, IN 46037.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P21000082216
FEI/EIN Number 87-2847857
Date Filled Sep 17, 2021
Effective Filled Sep 17, 2021
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 11282 Windemere Blvd
Fishers, In 46037
Mailing Address 11282 Windemere Blvd
Fishers, In 46037
Registered Agent Registered Agents Inc.

Officers / Directors

STA-KOLD CORPORATION is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are TONN, MARK, with the seat at 11282 WINDEMERE BLVD FISHERS, IN 46037, WITTLINGER, TODD, with the seat at 2365 LAKE BIRCH ROAD GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49525, NEWCOMER, KIRK, with the seat at 5524 BRUCE BLVD. NOBLESVILLE, IN 46062, HORVATH, ROB, with the seat at 275 HUNTERS RIDGE DRIVE LABADIE, MO 63055, DINELLO, MARIO, with the seat at 67701 ROMEO PLANK ROAD RAY, MI 48096, ALTOMONTE, JOSEPH A, with the seat at 195 BRYN DU DRIVE GRANVILLE, OH 43023.

TONN, MARK 11282 Windemere Blvd Fishers, In 46037
WITTLINGER, TODD 2365 Lake Birch Road Grand Rapids, Mi 49525
NEWCOMER, KIRK 5524 Bruce Blvd. Noblesville, In 46062
HORVATH, ROB 275 Hunters Ridge Drive Labadie, Mo 63055
DINELLO, MARIO 67701 Romeo Plank Road Ray, Mi 48096
ALTOMONTE, JOSEPH A 195 Bryn Du Drive Granville, Oh 43023

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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