ICSDCS TECHNOLOGY CORP is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P19000066375. Incorporation date of the company is at 19 August, 2019 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 7021 Grand National Dr. SUITE 100 Orlando, FL 32819.
Company type | Florida Profit Corporation |
Entity number | P19000066375 |
FEI/EIN Number | 84-2875717 |
Date Filled | Aug 19, 2019 |
Effective Filled | Aug 19, 2019 |
State | FL |
Status | Active |
Principal Address | 7021 Grand National Dr. Suite 100 Orlando, Fl 32819 |
Mailing Address | 7021 Grand National Dr. Suite 100 Orlando, Fl 32819 |
Registered Agent | On Target Business Solutions Llc |
ICSDCS TECHNOLOGY CORP is currently managed by 4 persons. Persons written in the register are W. CHAVES FEITOSA, CLIMACO A., with the seat at RUA JONATHAS DE VASCONCELOS, 788, AP 203 RECIFE, PE 51012--140 BR, MICAEL SARAFIM, CESAR, with the seat at AV. GAL. MAC ARTHUR, 303, TORRE SOLEIL RECIFE, PE 51150--400 BR, LANDBERG SANTOS, DOUGLAS, with the seat at CALLE POBLACION DE CAMPOS, 27 C MADRID 28015-0 ES, MEDEIROS DE OLIVEIRA, MICHAEL DIOGO, with the seat at RUA MARIA CAROLINA, 186 APTO 1604 RECIFE 51020--221 BR.
W. CHAVES FEITOSA, CLIMACO A. | Rua Jonathas De Vasconcelos, 788, Ap 203 Recife, Pe 51012--140 Br |
MICAEL SARAFIM, CESAR | Av. Gal. Mac Arthur, 303, Torre Soleil Recife, Pe 51150--400 Br |
LANDBERG SANTOS, DOUGLAS | Calle Poblacion De Campos, 27 C Madrid 28015-0 Es |
MEDEIROS DE OLIVEIRA, MICHAEL DIOGO | Rua Maria Carolina, 186 Apto 1604 Recife 51020--221 Br |
Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.