SYMBIONIX CORP. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P18000073003. Incorporation date of the company is at 27 August, 2018 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 747 SW 2ND AVENUE ROOM GAINESVILLE, FL 32601.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P18000073003
FEI/EIN Number N/A
Date Filled Aug 27, 2018
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 747 Sw 2Nd Avenue
Gainesville, Fl 32601
Mailing Address 30 Willowwood Lane
Oldsmar, Fl 34677
Registered Agent Friend, Nicholas A

Officers / Directors

SYMBIONIX CORP. is currently managed by 5 persons. Persons written in the register are FRIEND, NICHOLAS A, with the seat at 30 WILLOWWOOD LANE OLDSMAR, FL 34677, HAINES, HARRISON M, with the seat at 106 BLOSSOMCREST ROAD LEXINGTON, MA 02421, CASAS, JUAN F, with the seat at 392 PRESTWICK CIR, UNIT 4 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418, FISCHZANG, MARC H, with the seat at 21385 MARINA COVE CIRCLE E15 AVENTURA, FL 33810, PETUSEVSKY, JEREMY M, with the seat at 5129 NW 86TH WAY CORAL SPRINGS, FL 33067.

FRIEND, NICHOLAS A 30 Willowwood Lane Oldsmar, Fl 34677
HAINES, HARRISON M 106 Blossomcrest Road Lexington, Ma 02421
CASAS, JUAN F 392 Prestwick Cir, Unit 4 Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33418
FISCHZANG, MARC H 21385 Marina Cove Circle E15 Aventura, Fl 33810
PETUSEVSKY, JEREMY M 5129 Nw 86Th Way Coral Springs, Fl 33067

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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