EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS OF PINELLAS,P.A. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P18000071055. Incorporation date of the company is at 17 August, 2018 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 603 7TH STREET SOUTH, STE 360 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P18000071055
FEI/EIN Number 83-1631138
Date Filled Aug 17, 2018
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 603 7Th Street South, Ste 360
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701
Mailing Address 603 7Th Street South, Ste 360
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701
Registered Agent Smith, Thomas B, Esq.

Officers / Directors

EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS OF PINELLAS,P.A. is currently managed by 8 persons. Persons written in the register are HEDRICK, BRIAN, D.O., with the seat at 1702 ALLEN CREEK DR CLEARWATER, FL 33764, GILLIS, KRISTA, M.D., with the seat at 2005 CAROLINA AVE NE ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33703, LAWLESS, MICHAEL, M.D., with the seat at 677 CORTEZ DR TERRA VERDE, FL 33715, MANZELLA, JASON, D.O., with the seat at 3987 14TH WAY NE ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33703, GIRGIS, BETH, M.D., with the seat at 140 NEW BRITON COURT BRADENTON, FL 34212, Fredericks, Jennifer, MD, with the seat at 3942 14th Street NE St. Petersburg, FL 33703, Hawkins, Maribel, DO, with the seat at 1972 Kansas Ave. NE St., FL, Ryan, Traci, DO, with the seat at 4013 West Zelar Street Tampa, FL 33629.

HEDRICK, BRIAN, D.O. 1702 Allen Creek Dr Clearwater, Fl 33764
GILLIS, KRISTA, M.D. 2005 Carolina Ave Ne St. Petersburg, Fl 33703
LAWLESS, MICHAEL, M.D. 677 Cortez Dr Terra Verde, Fl 33715
MANZELLA, JASON, D.O. 3987 14Th Way Ne St. Petersburg, Fl 33703
GIRGIS, BETH, M.D. 140 New Briton Court Bradenton, Fl 34212
Fredericks, Jennifer, MD 3942 14Th Street Ne St. Petersburg, Fl 33703
Hawkins, Maribel, DO 1972 Kansas Ave. Ne St., Fl
Ryan, Traci, DO 4013 West Zelar Street Tampa, Fl 33629

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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