VILANT CORP. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P15000060342. Incorporation date of the company is at 15 July, 2015 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 8331 SANDS POINT BLVD C 203 TAMARAC, FL 33321.
Company type | Florida Profit Corporation |
Entity number | P15000060342 |
FEI/EIN Number | |
Date Filled | Jul 15, 2015 |
Effective Filled | Jul 15, 2015 |
State | FL |
Status | Inactive |
Principal Address | 8331 Sands Point Blvd C 203 Tamarac, Fl 33321 |
Mailing Address | 8331 Sands Point Blvd C 203 Tamarac, Fl 33321 |
Registered Agent | Zulinda, Lamarque |
VILANT CORP. is currently managed by 4 persons. Persons written in the register are BAHAMONDE LA HOZ, HERNAN A, with the seat at 8331 SANDS POINT BLVD APT C 203 TAMARAC, FL 33321, LAMARQUE, ZULINDA, with the seat at 8331 SANDS POINT BLVD APT C 203 TAMARAC, FL 33321, JORDAN ORTEGA, GLENN GUSTAVO, with the seat at MONTE REAL 451 APT 102 CHACARILLA DEL ESTANQUE SURCO, LIMA 33 PE, HRVATSKO, TOMISLAV SIMUNOVIC, with the seat at AV. PRECURSORES 744 APTO 302 CHACARILLA DEL ESTANQUE SURCO, LIMA 33 PE.
BAHAMONDE LA HOZ, HERNAN A | 8331 Sands Point Blvd Apt C 203 Tamarac, Fl 33321 |
LAMARQUE, ZULINDA | 8331 Sands Point Blvd Apt C 203 Tamarac, Fl 33321 |
JORDAN ORTEGA, GLENN GUSTAVO | Monte Real 451 Apt 102 Chacarilla Del Estanque Surco, Lima 33 Pe |
HRVATSKO, TOMISLAV SIMUNOVIC | Av. Precursores 744 Apto 302 Chacarilla Del Estanque Surco, Lima 33 Pe |
Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.