CHS ST. ANDREW TOWERS II, INC. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P15000048577. Incorporation date of the company is at 02 June, 2015 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 4790 N STATE ROAD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKE, FL 33319.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P15000048577
FEI/EIN Number 47-4878935
Date Filled Jun 2, 2015
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 4790 N State Road 7
Lauderdale Lake, Fl 33319
Mailing Address 4790 N State Road 7
Lauderdale Lake, Fl 33319
Registered Agent Fitzgerald, J. Patrick, Esq.

Officers / Directors

CHS ST. ANDREW TOWERS II, INC. is currently managed by 12 persons. Persons written in the register are WORLEY, SR. ELIZABETH A, SSJ, with the seat at 9401 BISCAYNE BLVD MIAMI SHORES, FL 33138, LAWSON, RALPH E, with the seat at 6041 NW 74 Terrace Parkland, FL 33067, PALLIN, ARISTIDES, with the seat at CATHOLIC HEALTH SERVICES, INC. 4790 N STATE RD 7 LAUDERDALE LAKES, FL 33319, FITZGERALD, J. PATRICK, with the seat at 110 MERRICK WAY SUITE 3-B CORAL GABLES, FL 33134, PALAMARA, PATRICIA, with the seat at 5751 N Sterling Ranch Drive Davie, FL 33314, FARREY, BUD, with the seat at 1315 BAY TERRACE NORTH BAY VILLAGE, FL 33141, TAYLOR, PATRICK, DR, with the seat at 333 Las Olas Boulevard, #1102 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301, PANCIERA, MARK, with the seat at PANCIERA ENTERPRISES 6001 NORTH OCEAN DRIVE #1202 HOLLYWOOD, FL 33019, CATALLO, CHRISTOPHER, with the seat at 840 JACK PINE DRIVE OAKLAND, FL 48306, FERNANDEZ, AURELIO, with the seat at MEMORIAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM EXECUTIVE OFFICES, 3RD FLOOR 3111 Stirling Road HOLLYWOOD, FL 33312, CIOFFI, ALFRED, REV, with the seat at ST. THOMAS UNIVERSITY 16401 NW 37 AVENUE MIAMI GARDENS, FL 33054, Barnett, Leslie Kenneth, with the seat at 5401 Taylor Street Hollywood, FL 33021.

WORLEY, SR. ELIZABETH A, SSJ 9401 Biscayne Blvd Miami Shores, Fl 33138
LAWSON, RALPH E 6041 Nw 74 Terrace Parkland, Fl 33067
PALLIN, ARISTIDES Catholic Health Services, Inc. 4790 N State Rd 7 Lauderdale Lakes, Fl 33319
FITZGERALD, J. PATRICK 110 Merrick Way Suite 3-B Coral Gables, Fl 33134
PALAMARA, PATRICIA 5751 N Sterling Ranch Drive Davie, Fl 33314
FARREY, BUD 1315 Bay Terrace North Bay Village, Fl 33141
TAYLOR, PATRICK, DR 333 Las Olas Boulevard, #1102 Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33301
PANCIERA, MARK Panciera Enterprises 6001 North Ocean Drive #1202 Hollywood, Fl 33019
CATALLO, CHRISTOPHER 840 Jack Pine Drive Oakland, Fl 48306
FERNANDEZ, AURELIO Memorial Healthcare System Executive Offices, 3Rd Floor 3111 Stirling Road Hollywood, Fl 33312
CIOFFI, ALFRED, REV St. Thomas University 16401 Nw 37 Avenue Miami Gardens, Fl 33054
Barnett, Leslie Kenneth 5401 Taylor Street Hollywood, Fl 33021

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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