IRON HILLS MINING DEVELOPMENT & LOGISTICS CORP is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P13000033982. Incorporation date of the company is at 15 April, 2013 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 3030 N ROCKEY POINT DR W STE 350 TAMPA, FL 33607.
Company type | Florida Profit Corporation |
Entity number | P13000033982 |
FEI/EIN Number | |
Date Filled | Apr 15, 2013 |
Effective Filled | Apr 15, 2013 |
State | FL |
Status | Inactive |
Principal Address | 3030 N Rockey Point Dr W Ste 350 Tampa, Fl 33607 |
Mailing Address | P O Box 15135 Clearwater, Fl 33766 |
Registered Agent | De Gennare, Jose Eduardo |
IRON HILLS MINING DEVELOPMENT & LOGISTICS CORP is currently managed by 5 persons. Persons written in the register are DE GENNARE, JOSE EDUARDO, with the seat at P.O. BOX 15135 CLEARWATER, FL 33766, CITRIGNO, JOSEPH, with the seat at P.O. BOX 15135 CLEARWATER, FL 33766, CITRIGNO, JOSEPH, with the seat at P.O. BOX 15135 CLEARWATER, FL 33766, FROZA, ALVINO D, with the seat at PRACA RODRIGUES LIMA N 275 CAITITE BAHIA BR 46.400-000, XX XX, LUCCA, OLDEMAR L, with the seat at RUA RIO GRANDE DO SUL N 200 CENTRO CASCAVEL PR BR 85.801, XX XX.
DE GENNARE, JOSE EDUARDO | P.o. Box 15135 Clearwater, Fl 33766 |
CITRIGNO, JOSEPH | P.o. Box 15135 Clearwater, Fl 33766 |
CITRIGNO, JOSEPH | P.o. Box 15135 Clearwater, Fl 33766 |
FROZA, ALVINO D | Praca Rodrigues Lima N 275 Caitite Bahia Br 46.400-000, Xx Xx |
LUCCA, OLDEMAR L | Rua Rio Grande Do Sul N 200 Centro Cascavel Pr Br 85.801, Xx Xx |
Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.