CHICAGO TITLE TIMESHARE LAND TRUST, INC. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P12000084583. Incorporation date of the company is at 05 October, 2012 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 601 RIVERSIDE AVE JACKSONVILLE, FL 32204.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P12000084583
FEI/EIN Number 36-4744078
Date Filled Oct 5, 2012
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 601 Riverside Ave
Jacksonville, Fl 32204
Mailing Address C/O Madeline G. M. Lovejoy
3210 El Camino Real Ste 200
Irvine, Ca 92602
Registered Agent Ct Corporation System

Officers / Directors

CHICAGO TITLE TIMESHARE LAND TRUST, INC. is currently managed by 9 persons. Persons written in the register are QUIRK, RAYMOND R, with the seat at 601 RIVERSIDE AVE JACKSONVILLE, FL 32204, PARK, ANTHONY J, with the seat at 601 RIVERSIDE AVE. JACKSONVILLE, FL 32204, NEMZURA, MARJORIE, with the seat at 10 S LASALLE ST STE 3100 CHICAGO, IL 60603, SUPALO, MARILYN C. N., with the seat at 1701 VILLAGE CENTER CIRCLE LAS VEGAS, NV 89134, COHEN, ROB, with the seat at 2400 MAITLAND CENTER PKWY STE 200 MAITLAND, FL 32751, STEFFENS, ADDIE L, with the seat at 2400 MAITLAND CENTER PKWY STE 110 MAITLAND, FL 32751, LOVEJOY, MADELINE GM, with the seat at 3210 EL CAMINO REAL STE 200 IRVINE, CA 92602, BELLMAN, AMY L., with the seat at 10805 RANCHO BERNARDO RD STE 150 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127, MIHALENKO, ERICA D., with the seat at 2400 MAITLAND CENTER PKWY STE 110 MAITLAND, FL 32751.

QUIRK, RAYMOND R 601 Riverside Ave Jacksonville, Fl 32204
PARK, ANTHONY J 601 Riverside Ave. Jacksonville, Fl 32204
NEMZURA, MARJORIE 10 S Lasalle St Ste 3100 Chicago, Il 60603
SUPALO, MARILYN C. N. 1701 Village Center Circle Las Vegas, Nv 89134
COHEN, ROB 2400 Maitland Center Pkwy Ste 200 Maitland, Fl 32751
STEFFENS, ADDIE L 2400 Maitland Center Pkwy Ste 110 Maitland, Fl 32751
LOVEJOY, MADELINE GM 3210 El Camino Real Ste 200 Irvine, Ca 92602
BELLMAN, AMY L. 10805 Rancho Bernardo Rd Ste 150 San Diego, Ca 92127
MIHALENKO, ERICA D. 2400 Maitland Center Pkwy Ste 110 Maitland, Fl 32751

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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