ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P11000067273. Incorporation date of the company is at 26 July, 2011 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 9194 SUGAR BEACH LANE WEST JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P11000067273
FEI/EIN Number 51-0347279
Date Filled Jul 26, 2011
Effective Filled Jul 21, 2011
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 9194 Sugar Beach Lane West
Jacksonville, Fl 32256
Mailing Address 9194 Sugar Beach Lane West
Jacksonville, Fl 32256
Registered Agent Logan, James F

Officers / Directors

ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION is currently managed by 7 persons. Persons written in the register are HANRATTY, MICHAEL E, with the seat at 3155 GRAND CONCOURSE & BLVD NEW YORK CITY, NY 10468, LOGAN, JAMES F, with the seat at 9194 SUGAR BEACH LN W. JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, CARLS, JOSEPH FSR., with the seat at 4760 WINTERBERRY COURT WILLIAMSBURG, VA 23188, DUDLEY, ALAN, Phd, with the seat at 130 CHATEAU WHISTLER COURT LAS VEGAS, NV 89148, McGovern, Mark, Mr., with the seat at 9194 SUGAR BEACH LANE WEST JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, Shevlin, Edward , Mr, with the seat at 9194 SUGAR BEACH LANE WEST JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, Bollmann-Meissner, Kathia, with the seat at No US Address Strasbourg FR.

HANRATTY, MICHAEL E 3155 Grand Concourse & Blvd New York City, Ny 10468
LOGAN, JAMES F 9194 Sugar Beach Ln W. Jacksonville, Fl 32256
CARLS, JOSEPH FSR. 4760 Winterberry Court Williamsburg, Va 23188
DUDLEY, ALAN, Phd 130 Chateau Whistler Court Las Vegas, Nv 89148
McGovern, Mark, Mr. 9194 Sugar Beach Lane West Jacksonville, Fl 32256
Shevlin, Edward , Mr 9194 Sugar Beach Lane West Jacksonville, Fl 32256
Bollmann-Meissner, Kathia No Us Address Strasbourg Fr

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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