ST JUSTES TAXES SERVICES INC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P10000072948. Incorporation date of the company is at 07 September, 2010 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 15902 NE 19TH PLACE SUITE F NORTH MIAMI BEACH DADE3-31 62.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P10000072948
FEI/EIN Number
Date Filled Sep 7, 2010
Effective Filled Sep 3, 2010
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 15902 Ne 19Th Place
Suite F
North Miami Beach Dade3-31 62
Mailing Address 15902 Ne 19Th Place
Suite F
North Miami Beach, Fl Dade3-31 61
Registered Agent St Justes, Renald

Officers / Directors

ST JUSTES TAXES SERVICES INC is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are JEAN, CALEB, with the seat at 14782 NW 15 AVENUE MIAMI, FL 33168, FRITZ P, AUL, with the seat at 12131 NE 6AVENUE NORTH MIAMI, FL 33167, WALKER J, ERRY, with the seat at 6732 IXORA DRIVE MIRAMAR, FL 33023, MARTINE V, ITAL, with the seat at 14560 NE 8TH AVENUE MIAMI, FL 33161, PIERRE M, AGALINE, with the seat at 11602 NW 2ND AVE MIAMI, FL 33168, PAULEUS G, EORGES, with the seat at 16000 NE 12 AVENUE NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FL 33133.

JEAN, CALEB 14782 Nw 15 Avenue Miami, Fl 33168
FRITZ P, AUL 12131 Ne 6Avenue North Miami, Fl 33167
WALKER J, ERRY 6732 Ixora Drive Miramar, Fl 33023
MARTINE V, ITAL 14560 Ne 8Th Avenue Miami, Fl 33161
PIERRE M, AGALINE 11602 Nw 2Nd Ave Miami, Fl 33168
PAULEUS G, EORGES 16000 Ne 12 Avenue North Miami Beach, Fl 33133

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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