APOLLO CASUALTY COMPANY OF FLORIDA is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P05000131218. Incorporation date of the company is at 23 September, 2005 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 17577 SE 101ST AVENUE SUMMERFIELD, FL 34491.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P05000131218
FEI/EIN Number 20-3422146
Date Filled Sep 23, 2005
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 17577 Se 101St Avenue
Summerfield, Fl 34491
Mailing Address 1280 Sw 36Th Avenue
Suite 305
Pompano Beach, Fl 33069
Registered Agent Chief Financial Officer

Officers / Directors

APOLLO CASUALTY COMPANY OF FLORIDA is currently managed by 5 persons. Persons written in the register are HIMMELSTEIN, MARVIN DAVID, with the seat at 25 CHICORY LANE RIVERWOODS, IL 60015, LEVINE, ERNEST STEPHEN, with the seat at 2221 N MAGNOLIA CHICAGO, IL 60614, MORRIS, GLENN SCOTT, with the seat at 123 OAKMONT DEERFIELD, IL 60015, WENIG, KALMAN, with the seat at 2400 BRAEBURN COURT RIVERWOODS, IL 60015, COHEN, RONALD ARLIN, with the seat at 2532 JASPER COURT NORTHBROOK, IL 60062.

HIMMELSTEIN, MARVIN DAVID 25 Chicory Lane Riverwoods, Il 60015
LEVINE, ERNEST STEPHEN 2221 N Magnolia Chicago, Il 60614
MORRIS, GLENN SCOTT 123 Oakmont Deerfield, Il 60015
WENIG, KALMAN 2400 Braeburn Court Riverwoods, Il 60015
COHEN, RONALD ARLIN 2532 Jasper Court Northbrook, Il 60062

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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