US ASSURE INSURANCE SERVICES OF FLORIDA, INC. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P04000146036. Incorporation date of the company is at 22 October, 2004 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P04000146036
FEI/EIN Number 59-3716329
Date Filled Oct 22, 2004
Effective Filled May 9, 2001
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 8230 Nations Way
Jacksonville, Fl 32256
Mailing Address 8230 Nations Way
Jacksonville, Fl 32256
Registered Agent Corporation Service Company

Officers / Directors

US ASSURE INSURANCE SERVICES OF FLORIDA, INC. is currently managed by 16 persons. Persons written in the register are PETWAY, THOMAS F., IV, with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, EMANS, CHRISTOPHER F., with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, FERGUSON, M. ALAN, with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, BREEDLOVE, SELENA M., with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, BRISTOW, STEPHEN M., with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, ANTHONY, AMBER S., with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, ROBINSON, HARRELL G., III, with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, PAUGH, KELLI C, with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, HOLDEN, B. RACHELE, with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, THEISS, JAMES W., Jr., with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, SCHERER, BILLY J., with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, STIVERS, MELINDA M., with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, DALTON, M. LORI, with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, Yuskis, John Joseph, III, with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, Hart, Ryan, with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, NATHANSON, HEATHER, with the seat at 8230 NATIONS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256.

PETWAY, THOMAS F., IV 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
EMANS, CHRISTOPHER F. 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
FERGUSON, M. ALAN 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
BREEDLOVE, SELENA M. 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
BRISTOW, STEPHEN M. 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
ANTHONY, AMBER S. 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
ROBINSON, HARRELL G., III 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
PAUGH, KELLI C 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
HOLDEN, B. RACHELE 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
THEISS, JAMES W., Jr. 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
SCHERER, BILLY J. 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
STIVERS, MELINDA M. 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
DALTON, M. LORI 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
Yuskis, John Joseph, III 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
Hart, Ryan 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256
NATHANSON, HEATHER 8230 Nations Way Jacksonville, Fl 32256

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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