TUTORING SERVICES, INC. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P03000010338. Incorporation date of the company is at 28 January, 2003 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 6432 Lake Worth Rd Lake Worth, FL 33463.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P03000010338
FEI/EIN Number 04-3742560
Date Filled Jan 28, 2003
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 6432 Lake Worth Rd
Lake Worth, Fl 33463
Mailing Address 6432 Lake Worth Rd
Lake Worth, Fl 33463
Registered Agent Goliath, Consuelo B

Officers / Directors

TUTORING SERVICES, INC. is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are GOLIATH, CONSUELO B, with the seat at 4200 North Ocean Drive 1-301 SINGER ISLAND, FL 33404, Eusebio, Hector Ruben, with the seat at 3307 Pomerol Dr. 403 Wellington, FL 33414, GOLIATH, MARIA C, with the seat at 6957 HALL BLVD LOXAHATCHEE, FL 33470, Goliath, Gilbert I, Dr., with the seat at 1827 Devondale St. Charleston, VA 25309, CHRISTOPHER, CHADD G, with the seat at 15741 S.W. 137TH AVE. MIAMI, FL 33177, Goliath-McFarland, Kristin S, with the seat at 2158 Polo Gardens Dr. 207 Wellington, FL 33414.

GOLIATH, CONSUELO B 4200 North Ocean Drive 1-301 Singer Island, Fl 33404
Eusebio, Hector Ruben 3307 Pomerol Dr. 403 Wellington, Fl 33414
GOLIATH, MARIA C 6957 Hall Blvd Loxahatchee, Fl 33470
Goliath, Gilbert I, Dr. 1827 Devondale St. Charleston, Va 25309
CHRISTOPHER, CHADD G 15741 S.w. 137Th Ave. Miami, Fl 33177
Goliath-McFarland, Kristin S 2158 Polo Gardens Dr. 207 Wellington, Fl 33414

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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