AMERICA ENTERPRISES INT. INC. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number P02000032202. Incorporation date of the company is at 25 March, 2002 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 2701 CRAWFORDVILLE HWY. CRAWFORDVILLE, FL 32327.

Company type Florida Profit Corporation
Entity number P02000032202
FEI/EIN Number 06-1677925
Date Filled Mar 25, 2002
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 2701 Crawfordville Hwy.
Crawfordville, Fl 32327
Mailing Address 8205 Sun Spring Cr.
Unit 12
Orlando, Fl 32825
Registered Agent Lopez Gerena, Marlihan

Officers / Directors

AMERICA ENTERPRISES INT. INC. is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are DE ARMAS, ARTURO L, with the seat at 2701 CRAWFORDVILLE HWY. CRAWFORDVILLE, FL 32327, BORDABERE, CARLOS, with the seat at 8205 SUN SPRING CIR STE12 ORLANDO, FL 32825, DE ARMAS, JULIA, with the seat at 4300 FORGET ME NOT CT. ST. CLOUD, FL 34769, DE ARMAS, NORMA, with the seat at 8205 SUN SPRING CR. #12 ORLANDO, FL 32825, COLON, EFREN, with the seat at 1845 GREAT FALLS WAY ORLANDO, FL 32824, DE ARMAS, LILLIAM, with the seat at 8205 SUN SPRING CR. ORLANDO, FL 32825.

DE ARMAS, ARTURO L 2701 Crawfordville Hwy. Crawfordville, Fl 32327
BORDABERE, CARLOS 8205 Sun Spring Cir Ste12 Orlando, Fl 32825
DE ARMAS, JULIA 4300 Forget Me Not Ct. St. Cloud, Fl 34769
DE ARMAS, NORMA 8205 Sun Spring Cr. #12 Orlando, Fl 32825
COLON, EFREN 1845 Great Falls Way Orlando, Fl 32824
DE ARMAS, LILLIAM 8205 Sun Spring Cr. Orlando, Fl 32825

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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