HONESTY SERVICE CENTER L.L.C. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L23000453662. Incorporation date of the company is at 02 October, 2023 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 21424 NW 13TH AVE MIAMI GARDENS, FL 33169 UN.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L23000453662
FEI/EIN Number
Date Filled Oct 2, 2023
Effective Filled Oct 1, 2023
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 21424 Nw 13Th Ave
Miami Gardens, Fl 33169 Un
Mailing Address 21424 Nw 13Th Ave
Miami Gardens, Fl 33169 Un
Registered Agent Lamour, Patrique, Sr

Officers / Directors

HONESTY SERVICE CENTER L.L.C. is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are LAMOUR, PATRIQUE, SR, with the seat at 21424 NW 13TH AVE MIAMI GARDENS, FL 33169 UN, LAMOUR, LANS GRAHAM PA, JR, with the seat at 21424 NW 13TH AVE MIAMI GARDENS, FL 33169 UN, LAMOUR, LAWRENCE FILS, JR, with the seat at 2350, SOUTH PARK ROAD HALLANDALE BEACH, FL 33009 UN, LOUIS, ALTAGRACE, MS, with the seat at 2350, SOUTH PARK ROAD APT 212 HALLANDALE BEACH, FL 33009 UN, CHERIME LAMOUR, ROSE GUERLINE, MS, with the seat at 9235 RAMBLEWOOD DR 1112 CORAL SPRINGS, FL 33071 UN, MORENCY, JN RENEL, SR, with the seat at 7730 NW 50TH ST APT 208 LAUDERHILL, FL 33351 UN.

LAMOUR, PATRIQUE, SR 21424 Nw 13Th Ave Miami Gardens, Fl 33169 Un
LAMOUR, LANS GRAHAM PA, JR 21424 Nw 13Th Ave Miami Gardens, Fl 33169 Un
LAMOUR, LAWRENCE FILS, JR 2350, South Park Road Hallandale Beach, Fl 33009 Un
LOUIS, ALTAGRACE, MS 2350, South Park Road Apt 212 Hallandale Beach, Fl 33009 Un
CHERIME LAMOUR, ROSE GUERLINE, MS 9235 Ramblewood Dr 1112 Coral Springs, Fl 33071 Un
MORENCY, JN RENEL, SR 7730 Nw 50Th St Apt 208 Lauderhill, Fl 33351 Un

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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