UNIMAX CONSTRUCTION GROUP LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L23000178465. Incorporation date of the company is at 11 April, 2023 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 5713 WHISPERING WILLOW WAY FORT MYERS, FL 33908.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L23000178465
FEI/EIN Number 92-3651237
Date Filled Apr 11, 2023
Effective Filled Apr 10, 2023
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 5713 Whispering Willow Way
Fort Myers, Fl 33908
Mailing Address 5713 Whispering Willow Way
Fort Myers, Fl 33908
Registered Agent Pugliese, Michael J

Officers / Directors

UNIMAX CONSTRUCTION GROUP LLC is currently managed by 5 persons. Persons written in the register are AJL CORPORATE HOLDINGS LLC, with the seat at 2087 ANTIGUA LANE NAPLES, FL 34120, PUGTREE HOLDINGS LLC, with the seat at 5713 WHISPERING WILLOW WAY FORT MYERS, FL 33908, Z&Y GENERAL CONTRACTING LLC, with the seat at 7075 NW 179 ST APT 101 HILALEAH, FL 33015, MAX-SAFE HOLDINGS INC, with the seat at 1303 SW FIRST TERRACE CAPE CORAL, FL 33991, PUGLIESE, MICHAEL, with the seat at 5713 WHISPERING WILLOW WAY FORT MYERS, FL 33908.

AJL CORPORATE HOLDINGS LLC 2087 Antigua Lane Naples, Fl 34120
PUGTREE HOLDINGS LLC 5713 Whispering Willow Way Fort Myers, Fl 33908
Z&Y GENERAL CONTRACTING LLC 7075 Nw 179 St Apt 101 Hilaleah, Fl 33015
MAX-SAFE HOLDINGS INC 1303 Sw First Terrace Cape Coral, Fl 33991
PUGLIESE, MICHAEL 5713 Whispering Willow Way Fort Myers, Fl 33908

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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