BRIGHTLINE BEHAVIOR SERVICES LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L23000163471. Incorporation date of the company is at 03 April, 2023 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 8350 NW 52nd Terrace SUITE 301-130 Doral, FL 33166 MD.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L23000163471
FEI/EIN Number 92-3471683
Date Filled Apr 3, 2023
Effective Filled Apr 1, 2023
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 8350 Nw 52Nd Terrace
Suite 301-130
Doral, Fl 33166 Md
Mailing Address 22526 Sw 109Th Psge
Miami, Fl 33170 Md
Registered Agent Susarte, Mainor

Officers / Directors

BRIGHTLINE BEHAVIOR SERVICES LLC is currently managed by 5 persons. Persons written in the register are SEIJO SUSARTE, MAINOR J, with the seat at 22525 SW 109TH PSGE MIAMI, FL 33170 MD, DIAZ, MIRIAM A, with the seat at 6841 NW 173TH DRIVE APT. Q-102 HIALEAH, FL 33015 MD, MARIN, RAQUEL, with the seat at 17100 NW 43RD CT MIAMI GARDENS, FL 33055 MD, TORRES, GRISEL, with the seat at 253 EAST 52 ST HIALEAH, FL 33013 MD, FERNANDEZ PERAZA, ALINA, with the seat at 7535 SW 152ND. AVE C405 MIAMI, FL 33193 MD.

SEIJO SUSARTE, MAINOR J 22525 Sw 109Th Psge Miami, Fl 33170 Md
DIAZ, MIRIAM A 6841 Nw 173Th Drive Apt. Q-102 Hialeah, Fl 33015 Md
MARIN, RAQUEL 17100 Nw 43Rd Ct Miami Gardens, Fl 33055 Md
TORRES, GRISEL 253 East 52 St Hialeah, Fl 33013 Md
FERNANDEZ PERAZA, ALINA 7535 Sw 152Nd. Ave C405 Miami, Fl 33193 Md

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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