GRUPO COLUMBIA LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L23000106887. Incorporation date of the company is at 28 February, 2023 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 13574 VILLAGE PARK STE 115K ORLANDO, FL 32837.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L23000106887
FEI/EIN Number
Date Filled Feb 28, 2023
Effective Filled Feb 28, 2023
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 13574 Village Park
Ste 115K
Orlando, Fl 32837
Mailing Address 13574 Village Park
Ste 115K
Orlando, Fl 32837
Registered Agent Dominium Consulting Services Llc

Officers / Directors

GRUPO COLUMBIA LLC is currently managed by 3 persons. Persons written in the register are A DOS SANTOS ALMEIDA, MARCIA, with the seat at AV ENG ANYSIO DA ROCHA COMPASSO 6439 PORTO VELHO, RO 76821--405 BR, F DE ALMEIDA FILHO, RIVALDO, with the seat at AV ENG ANYSIO DA ROCHA COMPASSO 6439 PORTO VELHO, RO 76821--405 BR, DOS SANTOS ALMEIDA, GUSTAVO, with the seat at RUA PADRE AUGUSTINHO, 3085 LIBERDADE PORTO VELHO, RO 76803--858 BR.

A DOS SANTOS ALMEIDA, MARCIA Av Eng Anysio Da Rocha Compasso 6439 Porto Velho, Ro 76821--405 Br
F DE ALMEIDA FILHO, RIVALDO Av Eng Anysio Da Rocha Compasso 6439 Porto Velho, Ro 76821--405 Br
DOS SANTOS ALMEIDA, GUSTAVO Rua Padre Augustinho, 3085 Liberdade Porto Velho, Ro 76803--858 Br

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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