BUCKET LIST TRAVELERS OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L22000364765. Incorporation date of the company is at 18 August, 2022 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 683 CANADICE COURT WINTER SPRING, FL 32708.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L22000364765
FEI/EIN Number 88-3192225
Date Filled Aug 18, 2022
Effective Filled Aug 18, 2022
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 683 Canadice Court
Winter Spring, Fl 32708
Mailing Address 683 Canadice Court
Winter Spring, Fl 32708
Registered Agent Bailey, Betty G

Officers / Directors

BUCKET LIST TRAVELERS OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, LLC is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are RUCKER, DAVID, with the seat at 4557 FRISCO CIRCLE ORLANDO, FL 32808, WILLIAMS, JOSEPH, with the seat at 2324 STONE CROSS CIRCLE ORLANDO, FL 32828, THOMAS, EVANGELYNE, with the seat at 701 S. SWEETWATER BLVD LONGWOOD, FL 32779, BAILEY, GREGORY W, with the seat at 683 CANADICE COURT WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708, CARTER, LOUIS, with the seat at 3136 FOXWOOD DRIVE APOPKA, FL 32703, WATKINS, EARLENE, with the seat at 1056 ROYAL OAKS DR. APOPKA, FL 32703.

RUCKER, DAVID 4557 Frisco Circle Orlando, Fl 32808
WILLIAMS, JOSEPH 2324 Stone Cross Circle Orlando, Fl 32828
THOMAS, EVANGELYNE 701 S. Sweetwater Blvd Longwood, Fl 32779
BAILEY, GREGORY W 683 Canadice Court Winter Springs, Fl 32708
CARTER, LOUIS 3136 Foxwood Drive Apopka, Fl 32703
WATKINS, EARLENE 1056 Royal Oaks Dr. Apopka, Fl 32703

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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