DYNASTY LEGACY FOUNDATION, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L21000363387. Incorporation date of the company is at 11 August, 2021 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 130 ENTERPRISE AVE SE STE H PALM BAY, FL 32909.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L21000363387
FEI/EIN Number
Date Filled Aug 11, 2021
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 130 Enterprise Ave Se Ste H
Palm Bay, Fl 32909
Mailing Address 130 Enterprise Ave Se Ste H
Palm Bay, Fl 32909
Registered Agent Barrett, Ashley D

Officers / Directors

DYNASTY LEGACY FOUNDATION, LLC is currently managed by 9 persons. Persons written in the register are BARRETT, ASHLEY D, with the seat at 807 DALHART AVE SW PALM BAY, FL 32908, WILLIAMS, OKETO SEAN, with the seat at 18 ANGELICA DR SPRINGFIELD, MA 01129, NEMBHARD, LAVERN, with the seat at 2014 WARD ST ROSENBURG, TX 77471, MCINTOSH, CLAUDETTE, with the seat at 918 LYNN DR VALLEY STREAM, NY 11580, SMITH, VIVIENE, with the seat at 131 NORTHAMPTON SPRINFIELD, MA 01109, BRADY, JANET, with the seat at 725 WAVELAND AVE COLLEGE PARK, GA 30349, BROWN SIMPSON, VETA, with the seat at 41 ALBEMARIE ST SPRINGFIELD, MA 01109, SLYFIELD, DAPHNE, with the seat at 520 IRWIN ST APT C4 ATLANTA, GA 30312, BROWN, BARBARA, with the seat at 807 DALHART AVE SW PALM BAY, FL 32908.

BARRETT, ASHLEY D 807 Dalhart Ave Sw Palm Bay, Fl 32908
WILLIAMS, OKETO SEAN 18 Angelica Dr Springfield, Ma 01129
NEMBHARD, LAVERN 2014 Ward St Rosenburg, Tx 77471
MCINTOSH, CLAUDETTE 918 Lynn Dr Valley Stream, Ny 11580
SMITH, VIVIENE 131 Northampton Sprinfield, Ma 01109
BRADY, JANET 725 Waveland Ave College Park, Ga 30349
BROWN SIMPSON, VETA 41 Albemarie St Springfield, Ma 01109
SLYFIELD, DAPHNE 520 Irwin St Apt C4 Atlanta, Ga 30312
BROWN, BARBARA 807 Dalhart Ave Sw Palm Bay, Fl 32908

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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