CANDID VENTURES LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L20000102846. Incorporation date of the company is at 14 April, 2020 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 14838, TRAPPER ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32837.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L20000102846
FEI/EIN Number 85-0743821
Date Filled Apr 14, 2020
Effective Filled Apr 14, 2020
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 14838, Trapper Road
Orlando, Fl 32837
Mailing Address 14838, Trapper Road
Orlando, Fl 32837
Registered Agent Padmanabhan Kalaiyar, Vijai Senthil

Officers / Directors

CANDID VENTURES LLC is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are PADMANABHAN KALAIYAR, VIJAI SENTHIL, with the seat at 14838, TRAPPER ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32837, NATARAJAN, AMBIGA, with the seat at 27699 BELGRAVE PLACE NOVI, MI 48374, RAMAKRISHNAN, DURGADEVI, with the seat at 14838, TRAPPER ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32837, LINGANATHAN, KARTHIKEYAN, with the seat at 1595 BAYBERRY PARK CIRCLE, CANTON, MI 48188, VIVEKANATHAN, SHALINI, with the seat at 354, LIBERTY AVE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07307, VIEW VERTICAL LLC., with the seat at 3335, TROWBRIDGE DR, CUMMING, GA 30040.

PADMANABHAN KALAIYAR, VIJAI SENTHIL 14838, Trapper Road Orlando, Fl 32837
NATARAJAN, AMBIGA 27699 Belgrave Place Novi, Mi 48374
RAMAKRISHNAN, DURGADEVI 14838, Trapper Road Orlando, Fl 32837
LINGANATHAN, KARTHIKEYAN 1595 Bayberry Park Circle, Canton, Mi 48188
VIVEKANATHAN, SHALINI 354, Liberty Ave Jersey City, Nj 07307
VIEW VERTICAL LLC. 3335, Trowbridge Dr, Cumming, Ga 30040

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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