CRESS PARKS, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L19000304528. Incorporation date of the company is at 16 December, 2019 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 1133 LOUISIANA AVE #101 WINTER PARK 32789.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L19000304528
FEI/EIN Number
Date Filled Dec 16, 2019
Effective Filled Jan 1, 2020
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 1133 Louisiana Ave #101
Winter Park 32789
Mailing Address 1133 Louisiana Ave #101
Winter Park 32789
Registered Agent Mirtha Valdes Martin, Cpa

Officers / Directors

CRESS PARKS, LLC is currently managed by 5 persons. Persons written in the register are VETERANS PROPERTY SOLUTIONS, LLC, with the seat at 5764 NORTH ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL, 128 ORLANDO, FL 32180, BRIGHTLEAF PROPERTIES, LLC, with the seat at 1133 LOUISIANA AVE #101 WINTER PARK, FL 32789, DARK PALACE PROPERTIES, LLC, with the seat at 1563 THETFORD CIR ORLANDO, FL 32824, GRIFFIN INVESTMENT STRATEGIES, LLC, with the seat at 159 SHERIDAN AVE LONGWOOD, FL 32750, RAUL VEITIA, LLC, with the seat at 1133 LOUISIANA AVE #101 WINTER PARK, FL 32789.

VETERANS PROPERTY SOLUTIONS, LLC 5764 North Orange Blossom Trail, 128 Orlando, Fl 32180
BRIGHTLEAF PROPERTIES, LLC 1133 Louisiana Ave #101 Winter Park, Fl 32789
DARK PALACE PROPERTIES, LLC 1563 Thetford Cir Orlando, Fl 32824
GRIFFIN INVESTMENT STRATEGIES, LLC 159 Sheridan Ave Longwood, Fl 32750
RAUL VEITIA, LLC 1133 Louisiana Ave #101 Winter Park, Fl 32789

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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