FIAWFIAW L.L.C. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L19000095196. Incorporation date of the company is at 05 April, 2019 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 14651 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 337 NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FL 33181.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L19000095196
FEI/EIN Number 83-4385070
Date Filled Apr 5, 2019
Effective Filled May 1, 2019
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 14651 Biscayne Boulevard
North Miami Beach, Fl 33181
Mailing Address 14651 Biscayne Boulevard
North Miami Beach, Fl 33181
Registered Agent Lacerd, Erick

Officers / Directors

FIAWFIAW L.L.C. is currently managed by 4 persons. Persons written in the register are LACERD, ERICK, with the seat at 1020 NE 140TH ST MIAMI, FL 33161, HYPPOLITE, JOHNNY, with the seat at 5790 STIRLING ROAD APT201 HOLLYWOOD, FL 33021, LAGUERRE, SAWIKA, with the seat at 3 RUE TILOT LILAVOIX BON REPOS CROIX DES BOUQUETS, OU HT631-1 HA, POLYNICE, CHRISTIAN, with the seat at 6 DELMAS 5 PORT AU PRINCE, OU HT611-0 HA.

LACERD, ERICK 1020 Ne 140Th St Miami, Fl 33161
HYPPOLITE, JOHNNY 5790 Stirling Road Apt201 Hollywood, Fl 33021
LAGUERRE, SAWIKA 3 Rue Tilot Lilavoix Bon Repos Croix Des Bouquets, Ou Ht631-1 Ha
POLYNICE, CHRISTIAN 6 Delmas 5 Port Au Prince, Ou Ht611-0 Ha

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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