GD NON-ATTORNEY PROSE CONSULTANT LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L19000070733. Incorporation date of the company is at 13 March, 2019 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 7402 North 56th Street Suite 807 TAMPA, FL 33617.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L19000070733
FEI/EIN Number 85-0607771
Date Filled Mar 13, 2019
Effective Filled Mar 12, 2019
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 7402 North 56Th Street
Suite 807
Tampa, Fl 33617
Mailing Address 3612 55Th Street
Tampa, Fl 33619
Registered Agent Doss, Surgret Urania

Officers / Directors

GD NON-ATTORNEY PROSE CONSULTANT LLC is currently managed by 8 persons. Persons written in the register are DOSS, SURGRET U, with the seat at 3612 NORTH 55TH STREET TAMPA, FL 33619, Doss, Jeremiah Calvin, with the seat at 7402 North 56th Street Suite 807 TAMPA, FL 33617, Doss, Anyssa Christine, with the seat at 7402 North 56th Street Suite 807 TAMPA, FL 33617, Doss, Queen-El Mildred, with the seat at 7402 North 56th Street Suite 807 TAMPA, FL 33617, Doss, Shurline Greta, with the seat at 7402 North 56th Street Suite 807 TAMPA, FL 33617, Bernard, Guerline, with the seat at 3612 55TH STREET TAMPA, FL 33619, Doss, CALVIN EDWARD, with the seat at 10605 CARLOWAY HILLS DRIVE WIMAUMA, FL 33598, Bernard, Daniel U, with the seat at 3612 N 55TH ST TAMPA, FL 33619.

DOSS, SURGRET U 3612 North 55Th Street Tampa, Fl 33619
Doss, Jeremiah Calvin 7402 North 56Th Street Suite 807 Tampa, Fl 33617
Doss, Anyssa Christine 7402 North 56Th Street Suite 807 Tampa, Fl 33617
Doss, Queen-El Mildred 7402 North 56Th Street Suite 807 Tampa, Fl 33617
Doss, Shurline Greta 7402 North 56Th Street Suite 807 Tampa, Fl 33617
Bernard, Guerline 3612 55Th Street Tampa, Fl 33619
Doss, CALVIN EDWARD 10605 Carloway Hills Drive Wimauma, Fl 33598
Bernard, Daniel U 3612 N 55Th St Tampa, Fl 33619

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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