TUPAN'S INVESTMENTS LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L18000075943. Incorporation date of the company is at 23 March, 2018 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 14710 CAPOTE LN ORLANDO, FL 32828.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L18000075943
FEI/EIN Number 61-1881030
Date Filled Mar 23, 2018
Effective Filled Mar 22, 2018
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 14710 Capote Ln
Orlando, Fl 32828
Mailing Address 14710 Capote Ln
Orlando, Fl 32828
Registered Agent Deobber, Vitor Hugo

Officers / Directors

TUPAN'S INVESTMENTS LLC is currently managed by 7 persons. Persons written in the register are RIZZATTI DA ROSA, CARMEN FATIMA, with the seat at AV PORTUGAL 677 - APT 21 SANTO ANDRE, SP 09040--010 BR, ARGENRICH DA ROSA, JOSE ARAMIS, with the seat at AV PORTUGAL 677 - APT 21 SANTO ANDRE, SP 09040--010 BR, FRANCA BERWANGER, SIOMARA DE J, with the seat at AV GETULIO VARGAS, 1271 - APTO 1503-A PORTO ALEGRE, RS 90150--005 BR, LAMPERT BERWANGER, EDUARDO, with the seat at AV GETULIO VARGAS, 1271 - APTO 1503-A PORTO ALEGRE, RS 90150--005 BR, RIZZATTI ALBIERI, THAIS, with the seat at AV PORTUGAL, 997 - APT 81 SANTO ANDRE, SP 09040--010 BR, ALBIERI, RENATO, with the seat at AV PORTUGAL, 997 - APT 81 SANTO ANDRE, SP 09040-010 BR, DEOBBER, VITOR, with the seat at 14710 CAPOTE LN ORLANDO, FL 32828.

RIZZATTI DA ROSA, CARMEN FATIMA Av Portugal 677 - Apt 21 Santo Andre, Sp 09040--010 Br
ARGENRICH DA ROSA, JOSE ARAMIS Av Portugal 677 - Apt 21 Santo Andre, Sp 09040--010 Br
FRANCA BERWANGER, SIOMARA DE J Av Getulio Vargas, 1271 - Apto 1503-A Porto Alegre, Rs 90150--005 Br
LAMPERT BERWANGER, EDUARDO Av Getulio Vargas, 1271 - Apto 1503-A Porto Alegre, Rs 90150--005 Br
RIZZATTI ALBIERI, THAIS Av Portugal, 997 - Apt 81 Santo Andre, Sp 09040--010 Br
ALBIERI, RENATO Av Portugal, 997 - Apt 81 Santo Andre, Sp 09040-010 Br
DEOBBER, VITOR 14710 Capote Ln Orlando, Fl 32828

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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