PHARMABOX FRANCHISING, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L17000206587. Incorporation date of the company is at 05 October, 2017 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 9649 NW 33rd Street DORAL, FL 33172.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L17000206587
Date Filled Oct 5, 2017
Effective Filled Oct 5, 2017
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 9649 Nw 33Rd Street
Doral, Fl 33172
Mailing Address 9649 Nw 33Rd Street
Doral, Fl 33172
Registered Agent Burgos &Amp; Associates Law Group

Officers / Directors

PHARMABOX FRANCHISING, LLC is currently managed by 7 persons. Persons written in the register are RODRIGUEZ, ALEJANDRO, with the seat at 9649 NW 33rd Street DORAL, FL 33172, ESPINOZA, HEIDY, with the seat at 9649 NW 33rd Street DORAL, FL 33172, DE AZEVEDO, EDUARDO, with the seat at 9649 NW 33rd Street DORAL, FL 33172, CAICEDO, NOHORA C, with the seat at 9649 NW 33rd Street DORAL, FL 33172, INNOVATION SOLUTIONS LLC, with the seat at 1621 Central Avenue CHEYENNE, WY 82001, DE FREITES VIERA, JORGE MANUEL, with the seat at 9649 NW 33rd Street DORAL, FL 33172, PP FUNDING LLC, with the seat at 5521 N University Dr 202 CORAL SPRINGS, FL 33067.

RODRIGUEZ, ALEJANDRO 9649 Nw 33Rd Street Doral, Fl 33172
ESPINOZA, HEIDY 9649 Nw 33Rd Street Doral, Fl 33172
DE AZEVEDO, EDUARDO 9649 Nw 33Rd Street Doral, Fl 33172
CAICEDO, NOHORA C 9649 Nw 33Rd Street Doral, Fl 33172
INNOVATION SOLUTIONS LLC 1621 Central Avenue Cheyenne, Wy 82001
DE FREITES VIERA, JORGE MANUEL 9649 Nw 33Rd Street Doral, Fl 33172
PP FUNDING LLC 5521 N University Dr 202 Coral Springs, Fl 33067

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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