PIONEER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 2, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L16000186117. Incorporation date of the company is at 06 October, 2016 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 13067 N Telecom Parkway Tampa, FL 33637.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L16000186117
FEI/EIN Number 81-3746630
Date Filled Oct 6, 2016
Effective Filled Oct 5, 2016
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 13067 N Telecom Parkway
Tampa, Fl 33637
Mailing Address 13067 N Telecom Parkway
Tampa, Fl 33637
Registered Agent Scharber, Jarrod M

Officers / Directors

PIONEER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 2, LLC is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are ALI, SYED, with the seat at 17702 SAINT LUCIA ISLE DR. TAMPA, FL 33647, SHAUKAT, KHIZZAR, with the seat at 10528 MARTINIQUE ISLE DR. TAMPA, FL 33647, BROWN, MILTON, with the seat at 20232 RAVENS END DR. TAMPA, FL 33647, MERCADO, RONNIEL, with the seat at 2114 RENSSELAER DR. WESLEY CHAPEL, FL 33543, KHAN, MASOOD, with the seat at 20114 NATURES HIKE WAY TAMPA, FL 33647, GONZALEZ, ANA, with the seat at 4355 VERMILLION SKY DR. WESLEY CHAPEL, FL 33544.

ALI, SYED 17702 Saint Lucia Isle Dr. Tampa, Fl 33647
SHAUKAT, KHIZZAR 10528 Martinique Isle Dr. Tampa, Fl 33647
BROWN, MILTON 20232 Ravens End Dr. Tampa, Fl 33647
MERCADO, RONNIEL 2114 Rensselaer Dr. Wesley Chapel, Fl 33543
KHAN, MASOOD 20114 Natures Hike Way Tampa, Fl 33647
GONZALEZ, ANA 4355 Vermillion Sky Dr. Wesley Chapel, Fl 33544

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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