TRIPLE PLAY NETWORKS LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L16000053358. Incorporation date of the company is at 15 March, 2016 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 255 Piedmont Circle Iris Brook Covington, GA 30016-1135.
Company type | Florida Limited Liability Company |
Entity number | L16000053358 |
FEI/EIN Number | 81-1887666 |
Date Filled | Mar 15, 2016 |
Effective Filled | Mar 15, 2016 |
State | FL |
Status | Inactive |
Principal Address | 255 Piedmont Circle Iris Brook Covington, Ga 30016-1135 |
Mailing Address | 255 Piedmont Circle #19 Iris Brook Covington, Ga 30016-1135 |
Registered Agent | Scavella, Peter |
TRIPLE PLAY NETWORKS LLC is currently managed by 5 persons. Persons written in the register are SCAVELLA, PETER, with the seat at 255 Piedmont Circle #19 Iris Brook Covington, GA 30016-1135, Scavella, Princess Ann, with the seat at 53 McKinney Drive Sunset Park Nassau, Caribbbean CR54929 BS, Scavella, Picard Anthon, with the seat at 831 South Main St Apt 1834A Statesboro, GA 30458, Scavella, Peetra Niche, with the seat at 196 Jeff Road NW Apt 1211 Huntsville, AL 35806-5211, Scavella, Nico Petrovich, with the seat at 26 Doubloon Drive Bel Air Subdivision Nassau, Caribbean CR54312 BS.
SCAVELLA, PETER | 255 Piedmont Circle #19 Iris Brook Covington, Ga 30016-1135 |
Scavella, Princess Ann | 53 Mckinney Drive Sunset Park Nassau, Caribbbean Cr54929 Bs |
Scavella, Picard Anthon | 831 South Main St Apt 1834A Statesboro, Ga 30458 |
Scavella, Peetra Niche | 196 Jeff Road Nw Apt 1211 Huntsville, Al 35806-5211 |
Scavella, Nico Petrovich | 26 Doubloon Drive Bel Air Subdivision Nassau, Caribbean Cr54312 Bs |
Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.