TOP NOTCH CONTRACTOR SOLUTIONS LLC. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L15000068412. Incorporation date of the company is at 20 April, 2015 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 3561 NW 115 TERR SUNRISE, FL 33323.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L15000068412
FEI/EIN Number
Date Filled Apr 20, 2015
Effective Filled Apr 19, 2015
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 3561 Nw 115 Terr
Sunrise, Fl 33323
Mailing Address 14630 N Beckley Square
Davie, Fl 33325
Registered Agent Beaty, Kevin D

Officers / Directors

TOP NOTCH CONTRACTOR SOLUTIONS LLC. is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are BEATY, KEVIN D, with the seat at 14630 NORTH BECKLEY SQUARE DAVIE, FL 33325, BEATY, ROBERT T, with the seat at 3561 NW 115 TERRACE SUNRISE, FL 33323, HALE, CHRISTOPHER L, with the seat at 10700 SW 108 AVE APT C211 MIAMI, FL 33176, MARINUCCI, CHRISTOPHER M, with the seat at 9230 NW 32 MANOR SUNRISE, FL 33351, LONDONO, ROBERT E, with the seat at 6042 NW 172 TER. CIR. HIALEAH, FL 33015, VALENCIA, HENREY M, with the seat at 4951 SW 29 AVE DANIA BEACH, FL 33312.

BEATY, KEVIN D 14630 North Beckley Square Davie, Fl 33325
BEATY, ROBERT T 3561 Nw 115 Terrace Sunrise, Fl 33323
HALE, CHRISTOPHER L 10700 Sw 108 Ave Apt C211 Miami, Fl 33176
MARINUCCI, CHRISTOPHER M 9230 Nw 32 Manor Sunrise, Fl 33351
LONDONO, ROBERT E 6042 Nw 172 Ter. Cir. Hialeah, Fl 33015
VALENCIA, HENREY M 4951 Sw 29 Ave Dania Beach, Fl 33312

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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