EXIMIUS INTERNATIONAL, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L15000035508. Incorporation date of the company is at 25 February, 2015 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 9550 WEST US HIGHWAY 192 CLERMONT, FL 34714.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L15000035508
FEI/EIN Number 47-3305272
Date Filled Feb 25, 2015
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 9550 West Us Highway 192
Clermont, Fl 34714
Mailing Address 9550 West Us Highway 192
Clermont, Fl 34714
Registered Agent Morgeson, Dennis J, Jr

Officers / Directors

EXIMIUS INTERNATIONAL, LLC is currently managed by 5 persons. Persons written in the register are GREENE, GRAHAM D, with the seat at 9550 WEST US HIGHWAY 192 CLERMONT, FL 34714, WHEATLEY, BARRIE F, with the seat at 1 George Street Bathwick, Bath BA2 6BW GB, NORTH, CHRISTOPHER J, with the seat at WOODWICK HALL, MIDFORD LANE LIMPLEY STOKE, BATH, UK BA2 7--GP UK, NORTH, GEOFFREY C, with the seat at 7 LANHILL VIEW, CEPEN PARK NORTH CHIPPENHAM, WILTS, UK SN14--6XS UK, MUMFORD, PHILIP J, with the seat at 8 FROGWELL PARK CHIPPENHAM, WILTS, UK SN14--ORB UK.

GREENE, GRAHAM D 9550 West Us Highway 192 Clermont, Fl 34714
WHEATLEY, BARRIE F 1 George Street Bathwick, Bath Ba2 6Bw Gb
NORTH, CHRISTOPHER J Woodwick Hall, Midford Lane Limpley Stoke, Bath, Uk Ba2 7--Gp Uk
NORTH, GEOFFREY C 7 Lanhill View, Cepen Park North Chippenham, Wilts, Uk Sn14--6Xs Uk
MUMFORD, PHILIP J 8 Frogwell Park Chippenham, Wilts, Uk Sn14--Orb Uk

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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