YCTH, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L13000173386. Incorporation date of the company is at 16 December, 2013 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L13000173386
FEI/EIN Number 46-4315778
Date Filled Dec 16, 2013
Effective Filled Dec 16, 2013
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 2012 South Florida Avenue
Lakeland, Fl 33803
Mailing Address 2012 South Florida Avenue
Lakeland, Fl 33803
Registered Agent Berke, John P

Officers / Directors

YCTH, LLC is currently managed by 16 persons. Persons written in the register are BURNETTI, DEAN, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, BUCKLER, DON, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, BRUM, ADAM, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, MOORE, CHAD, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, PATTERSON, BROOK, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, Morgan, John, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, Henry, David, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, Hofmann, Herb, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, Arnold, Jim, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, Carter, Keith, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, Goetz, Michael, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, Artille, Russ, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, Borders, Scott, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, Whitley, Scott, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, Kaul, Sumeet, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803, Bales, Scott, with the seat at 2012 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE LAKELAND, FL 33803.

BURNETTI, DEAN 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
BUCKLER, DON 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
BRUM, ADAM 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
MOORE, CHAD 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
PATTERSON, BROOK 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
Morgan, John 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
Henry, David 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
Hofmann, Herb 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
Arnold, Jim 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
Carter, Keith 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
Goetz, Michael 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
Artille, Russ 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
Borders, Scott 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
Whitley, Scott 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
Kaul, Sumeet 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803
Bales, Scott 2012 South Florida Avenue Lakeland, Fl 33803

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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