COLOR WORKS INK & SIGNMAKING SUPPLIES, LLC. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L13000096073. Incorporation date of the company is at 05 July, 2013 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 4204 Hammond Drive Units 11/12 Winter Haven, FL 33884.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L13000096073
FEI/EIN Number 59-2626703
Date Filled Jul 5, 2013
Effective Filled Jul 5, 2013
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 4204 Hammond Drive
Units 11/12
Winter Haven, Fl 33884
Mailing Address P O Box 361
Waverly, Fl 33877
Registered Agent Stripling, Michael A

Officers / Directors

COLOR WORKS INK & SIGNMAKING SUPPLIES, LLC. is currently managed by 4 persons. Persons written in the register are Stripling, Michael & Lana, with the seat at 4204 Hammond Drive Units 11/12 Winter Haven, FL 33884, York, Martha F, with the seat at 240 Lk Suzanne Dr Lake Wales, FL 33859, FORMBY, JOSEPH L, with the seat at 2201 Lullwater Drive Woodstock, GA 30189, Harper, Arnold, with the seat at 7528 Childress Glen Lane Knoxville, TN 37920.

Stripling, Michael & Lana 4204 Hammond Drive Units 11/12 Winter Haven, Fl 33884
York, Martha F 240 Lk Suzanne Dr Lake Wales, Fl 33859
FORMBY, JOSEPH L 2201 Lullwater Drive Woodstock, Ga 30189
Harper, Arnold 7528 Childress Glen Lane Knoxville, Tn 37920

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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