THE MFC OF SARASOTA, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L12000060496. Incorporation date of the company is at 04 May, 2012 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 3602 BENEVA ROAD #404 SARASOTA, FL 34233.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L12000060496
FEI/EIN Number N/A
Date Filled May 4, 2012
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 3602 Beneva Road
Sarasota, Fl 34233
Mailing Address 3602 Beneva Road
Sarasota, Fl 34233
Registered Agent Coulis, Michael F

Officers / Directors

THE MFC OF SARASOTA, LLC is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are COULIS, MICHAEL F, with the seat at 3602 BENEVA ROAD, #404 SARASOTA, FL 34233, COULIS, RUTH, with the seat at 5351 YONGE ST 715 TORONTO, ONTARIO M2N7L5 CA, COULIS, RICHARD, with the seat at 5299 LAKESHORE ROAD 53 BURLINGTON, ONTARIO L7L5X9 CA, COULIS, CATHERINE, with the seat at 980 GRANDVIEW ST DUNCAN, BRITISH COLUMBIA V9L5Y7 CA, PAINTER, RONALD, with the seat at 980 GRANDVIEW STREET DUNCAN, BRITISH COLUMBIA V9L5Y7 CA, COULIS, PETER, with the seat at 3 FAWN COURT WHITBY, ONTARIO L1P1L5 CA.

COULIS, MICHAEL F 3602 Beneva Road, #404 Sarasota, Fl 34233
COULIS, RUTH 5351 Yonge St 715 Toronto, Ontario M2N7L5 Ca
COULIS, RICHARD 5299 Lakeshore Road 53 Burlington, Ontario L7L5X9 Ca
COULIS, CATHERINE 980 Grandview St Duncan, British Columbia V9L5Y7 Ca
PAINTER, RONALD 980 Grandview Street Duncan, British Columbia V9L5Y7 Ca
COULIS, PETER 3 Fawn Court Whitby, Ontario L1P1L5 Ca

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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