SINOTEL, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L12000033629. Incorporation date of the company is at 08 March, 2012 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 3332 N.E. 190 STREET SUITE 1010 AVENTURA, FL 33180.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L12000033629
FEI/EIN Number 99-0374223
Date Filled Mar 8, 2012
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 3332 N.e. 190 Street Suite 1010
Aventura, Fl 33180
Mailing Address 17 Yehuda Hanassi
Apt 21
Tel Aviv, Israel 6920602 Il
Registered Agent William J. Segal, P.a.

Officers / Directors

SINOTEL, LLC is currently managed by 4 persons. Persons written in the register are LEVY PASCAL, ZVI SITRI, with the seat at 17 Yehuda Hanassi Apt 21 Tel Aviv, Israel 6920602 IL, LEVY PASCAL, SARA NAOMI, with the seat at 17 Yehuda Hanassi Apt 21 Tel Aviv, Israel 6920602 IL, LEVY PASCAL, TAMAR, with the seat at 17 Yehuda Hanassi St. Apt 4 Tel Aviv 6920602 IL, Levy Pascal Fridman, Eldar Jacobo, with the seat at 3era trans. de Altamira Edificio monte Roble, P.H.-A Caracas 1060 VE.

LEVY PASCAL, ZVI SITRI 17 Yehuda Hanassi Apt 21 Tel Aviv, Israel 6920602 Il
LEVY PASCAL, SARA NAOMI 17 Yehuda Hanassi Apt 21 Tel Aviv, Israel 6920602 Il
LEVY PASCAL, TAMAR 17 Yehuda Hanassi St. Apt 4 Tel Aviv 6920602 Il
Levy Pascal Fridman, Eldar Jacobo 3Era Trans. De Altamira Edificio Monte Roble, P.h.-A Caracas 1060 Ve

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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