MARKETPLACE AMBASSADORS INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL BENEFITS, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L12000030149. Incorporation date of the company is at 02 March, 2012 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 1137 HARRISON AVENUE SUITE 6 PANAMA CITY, FL 32401.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L12000030149
FEI/EIN Number 90-0913690
Date Filled Mar 2, 2012
Effective Filled Mar 1, 2012
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 1137 Harrison Avenue
Suite 6
Panama City, Fl 32401
Mailing Address 3701 Oak Ave
Gulfport, Ms 39507
Registered Agent Miles-Mathis, Jocelyn Y.

Officers / Directors

MARKETPLACE AMBASSADORS INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL BENEFITS, LLC is currently managed by 8 persons. Persons written in the register are JOCELYN Y. MILES- MATHIS, with the seat at 1137 HARRISON AVENUE SUITE 6 PANAMA CITY, FL 32401, TRISH MORRISSETTE, with the seat at 5423 MERRITT BROWN ROAD PANAMA CITY, FL 32404, GAMBLE, ALICE HARRIS, with the seat at P.O. BOX 817 APT. B103 FRANKLIN, KY 42134, SIRIBOE, KEISHA L., with the seat at 1516 MAINE AVENUE APT. B-103 LYNN HAVEN, FL 32444, CALDWELL, ARLENE F., with the seat at 1213 MEDFORD AVENUE Indianapolis, IN 46222, DOLLISON, SHELIA R., with the seat at 4029 WIRT STREET OMAHA, FL 68111, VICTOR, ALICE, PASTOR, with the seat at 753 HELEN AVENUE PANAMA CITY, FL 32401, DAVIS, CURTIS, with the seat at 2721 BURRELL ST BIRMINGHAM, AL 35224.

JOCELYN Y. MILES- MATHIS 1137 Harrison Avenue Suite 6 Panama City, Fl 32401
TRISH MORRISSETTE 5423 Merritt Brown Road Panama City, Fl 32404
GAMBLE, ALICE HARRIS P.o. Box 817 Apt. B103 Franklin, Ky 42134
SIRIBOE, KEISHA L. 1516 Maine Avenue Apt. B-103 Lynn Haven, Fl 32444
CALDWELL, ARLENE F. 1213 Medford Avenue Indianapolis, In 46222
DOLLISON, SHELIA R. 4029 Wirt Street Omaha, Fl 68111
VICTOR, ALICE, PASTOR 753 Helen Avenue Panama City, Fl 32401
DAVIS, CURTIS 2721 Burrell St Birmingham, Al 35224

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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