HORTENTO, L.L.C. is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L11000099401. Incorporation date of the company is at 29 August, 2011 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 145 CITY PLACE STE 301 PALM COAST, FL 32164.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L11000099401
FEI/EIN Number 45-3567951
Date Filled Aug 29, 2011
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 145 City Place
Ste 301
Palm Coast, Fl 32164
Mailing Address 145 City Place
Ste 301
Palm Coast, Fl 32164
Registered Agent Chiumento, Michael Diii

Officers / Directors

HORTENTO, L.L.C. is currently managed by 7 persons. Persons written in the register are PAWA, ROBERT, with the seat at 309 EAST OCEAN AVE, STE. 203 LANTANA, FL 33462, CHIUMENTO, MICHAEL D, III, with the seat at 145 CITY PLACE PALM COAST, FL 32164, LOSTAGLIO, ANTHONY J, with the seat at 62 WATERVIEW DR. NORTH PALM COAST, FL 32137, KOLKA, JAMES, with the seat at 6 NORTH 601 ROUTE 31 STREET CHARLES, IL 60175, WOOLERY, MARK, with the seat at 527 WOODHILL CT. GRAPEVINE, TX 76051, SIZEMORE, DUANE, with the seat at 900 GALLERY CORT BUNNELL, FL 32110, ANNIS, TEDD, with the seat at 14265 SMITH SUNDY RD. DELRAY BEACH, FL 33446.

PAWA, ROBERT 309 East Ocean Ave, Ste. 203 Lantana, Fl 33462
CHIUMENTO, MICHAEL D, III 145 City Place Palm Coast, Fl 32164
LOSTAGLIO, ANTHONY J 62 Waterview Dr. North Palm Coast, Fl 32137
KOLKA, JAMES 6 North 601 Route 31 Street Charles, Il 60175
WOOLERY, MARK 527 Woodhill Ct. Grapevine, Tx 76051
SIZEMORE, DUANE 900 Gallery Cort Bunnell, Fl 32110
ANNIS, TEDD 14265 Smith Sundy Rd. Delray Beach, Fl 33446

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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