CLEANING SERVICE: CLEAN AND NEAT, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L11000089660. Incorporation date of the company is at 04 August, 2011 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 1030 S.W. 99TH AVENUE PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33025.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L11000089660
FEI/EIN Number 45-2931449
Date Filled Aug 4, 2011
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 1030 S.w. 99Th Avenue
Pembroke Pines, Fl 33025
Mailing Address 1030 S.w. 99Th Avenue
Pembroke Pines, Fl 33025
Registered Agent Tisdol-Clark, Geraldine

Officers / Directors

CLEANING SERVICE: CLEAN AND NEAT, LLC is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are TISDOL-CLARK, GERALDINE, with the seat at 1030 S.W. 99TH AVENUE PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33025, TISDOL, NORG'E S, with the seat at 12500 CREST SPRINGS LANE APT# 1035 ORLANDO, FL 32829, CONEY, PATRICIA A, with the seat at 2360 N.W. 181 TERRACE CITY OF MIAMI GARDENS, FL 33055, WILLIAMS, MALCOLM ASR, with the seat at 3031 N.W. 64TH STREET MIAMI, FL 33147, WILLIAMS, DARREL ASR, with the seat at 6237 S.W. 80TH COURT OCALA, FL 34472, LAMBRIGHT, NAKIA, Sr., with the seat at 1030 S.W. 99TH AVENUE PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33025.

TISDOL-CLARK, GERALDINE 1030 S.w. 99Th Avenue Pembroke Pines, Fl 33025
TISDOL, NORG'E S 12500 Crest Springs Lane Apt# 1035 Orlando, Fl 32829
CONEY, PATRICIA A 2360 N.w. 181 Terrace City Of Miami Gardens, Fl 33055
WILLIAMS, MALCOLM ASR 3031 N.w. 64Th Street Miami, Fl 33147
WILLIAMS, DARREL ASR 6237 S.w. 80Th Court Ocala, Fl 34472
LAMBRIGHT, NAKIA, Sr. 1030 S.w. 99Th Avenue Pembroke Pines, Fl 33025

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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