CHICKEN NOW AT SAWGRASS, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L10000100262. Incorporation date of the company is at 24 September, 2010 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 12801 W. SUNRISE BLVD 869 SUNRISE, FL 33323.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L10000100262
FEI/EIN Number 27-3540947
Date Filled Sep 24, 2010
Effective Filled Sep 24, 2010
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 12801 W. Sunrise Blvd
Sunrise, Fl 33323
Mailing Address 12801 W. Sunrise Blvd
Sunrise, Fl 33323
Registered Agent Shen, Andrew

Officers / Directors

CHICKEN NOW AT SAWGRASS, LLC is currently managed by 5 persons. Persons written in the register are SHEN, AN-LI, with the seat at 525 N COUNTRY CLUB DR ATLANTIS, FL 33462, SHEN, JEN WANG, with the seat at 1840 NW 124 WAY CORAL SPRINGS, FL 33071, LIU, TUN, with the seat at 9251 SOUTHERN BREEZE DRIVE ORLANDO, FL 32836, LIU, ROSE, with the seat at 8440 63RD AVE MIDDLE VILLAGE, NY 11379, TIEN, TUN H, with the seat at 7809 DELVOIR DRIVE ORLANDO, FL 32835.

SHEN, AN-LI 525 N Country Club Dr Atlantis, Fl 33462
SHEN, JEN WANG 1840 Nw 124 Way Coral Springs, Fl 33071
LIU, TUN 9251 Southern Breeze Drive Orlando, Fl 32836
LIU, ROSE 8440 63Rd Ave Middle Village, Ny 11379
TIEN, TUN H 7809 Delvoir Drive Orlando, Fl 32835

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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