DISNEY VACATION CLUB HAWAII MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L10000035543. Incorporation date of the company is at 01 April, 2010 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 215 CELEBRATION PLACE CELEBRATION, FL 34747.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L10000035543
FEI/EIN Number 27-2432600
Date Filled Apr 1, 2010
Effective Filled Aug 21, 2008
State FL
Status Active
Principal Address 215 Celebration Place
Celebration, Fl 34747
Mailing Address 500 S Buena Vista St
Burbank, Ca 91521
Registered Agent Corporation Service Company

Officers / Directors

DISNEY VACATION CLUB HAWAII MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC is currently managed by 19 persons. Persons written in the register are DISNEY VACATION DEVELOPMENT, INC., with the seat at 215 CELEBRATION PLACE CELEBRATION, FL 34747, GIBBS, BRENT J, with the seat at 1375 E BUENA VISTA DRIVE LAKE BUENA VISTA, FL 32830, MILLS, ELLIOTT, with the seat at 92-1185 ALIINUI DRIVE KAPOLEI, HI 96707, MAZLOUM, THOMAS, with the seat at 1375 EAST BUENA VISTA DRIVE 4TH FLOOR NORTH LAKE BUENA VISTA, FL 32830, STOWELL, JOHN A, with the seat at 611 NORTH BRAND BLVD GLENDALE, CA 91203, NIEMAN, LEIGH ANNE, with the seat at 1390 CELEBRATION BLVD. CELEBRATION, FL 34747, GAVAZZI, CHAKIRA H, with the seat at 500 S BUENA VISTA ST BURBANK, CA 91521, SAKASKE, SHANNON, with the seat at 1390 CELEBRATION BLVD. CELEBRATION, FL 34747, CHANG, YVONNE, with the seat at 1390 CELEBRATION BLVD. CELEBRATION, FL 34747, SOLOMON, AARON H, with the seat at 1170 CELEBRATION BLVD CELEBRATION, FL 34747, HEALY, ELIZABETH M, with the seat at 1390 CELEBRATION BLVD. CELEBRATION, FL 34747, BELZER, GREGORY, with the seat at 500 S BUENA VISTA ST BURBANK, CA 91521, VAN LANGEVELD, JEFFREY C, with the seat at 1390 CELEBRATION BLVD. CELEBRATION, FL 34747, GOMEZ, CARLOS A, with the seat at 500 S BUENA VISTA ST BURBANK, CA 91521, YOUNG, LEE R, with the seat at 215 CELEBRATION PLACE CELEBRATION, FL 34747, SALAMA, MICHAEL, with the seat at 500 S BUENA VISTA ST BURBANK, CA 91521, STEED, SHANNA L, with the seat at 500 S BUENA VISTA ST BURBANK, CA 91521, GROSSMAN, DANIEL F, with the seat at 215 CELEBRATION PLACE CELEBRATION, FL 34747, SCHULTZ, TERRI A, with the seat at 1390 CELEBRATION BLVD CELEBRATION, FL 34747.

DISNEY VACATION DEVELOPMENT, INC. 215 Celebration Place Celebration, Fl 34747
GIBBS, BRENT J 1375 E Buena Vista Drive Lake Buena Vista, Fl 32830
MILLS, ELLIOTT 92-1185 Aliinui Drive Kapolei, Hi 96707
MAZLOUM, THOMAS 1375 East Buena Vista Drive 4Th Floor North Lake Buena Vista, Fl 32830
STOWELL, JOHN A 611 North Brand Blvd Glendale, Ca 91203
NIEMAN, LEIGH ANNE 1390 Celebration Blvd. Celebration, Fl 34747
GAVAZZI, CHAKIRA H 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank, Ca 91521
SAKASKE, SHANNON 1390 Celebration Blvd. Celebration, Fl 34747
CHANG, YVONNE 1390 Celebration Blvd. Celebration, Fl 34747
SOLOMON, AARON H 1170 Celebration Blvd Celebration, Fl 34747
HEALY, ELIZABETH M 1390 Celebration Blvd. Celebration, Fl 34747
BELZER, GREGORY 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank, Ca 91521
VAN LANGEVELD, JEFFREY C 1390 Celebration Blvd. Celebration, Fl 34747
GOMEZ, CARLOS A 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank, Ca 91521
YOUNG, LEE R 215 Celebration Place Celebration, Fl 34747
SALAMA, MICHAEL 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank, Ca 91521
STEED, SHANNA L 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank, Ca 91521
GROSSMAN, DANIEL F 215 Celebration Place Celebration, Fl 34747
SCHULTZ, TERRI A 1390 Celebration Blvd Celebration, Fl 34747

Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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