MEADHURST LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L09000047103. Incorporation date of the company is at 14 May, 2009 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 911 N. ORANGE AVENUE, #302 ORLANDO, FL 32801.
Company type | Florida Limited Liability Company |
Entity number | L09000047103 |
FEI/EIN Number | 46-0523135 |
Date Filled | May 14, 2009 |
State | FL |
Status | Inactive |
Principal Address | 911 N. Orange Avenue, #302 Orlando, Fl 32801 |
Mailing Address | 3 Farm Lane Fulham London Sw6 1Pu Gb |
Registered Agent | Harter, Stephen Mr |
MEADHURST LLC is currently managed by 17 persons. Persons written in the register are WYRSCH, MATTHIAS, with the seat at BIRKENSTRASSE 15 6330 CHAM AF, LEUNG, WING LIM, with the seat at 18A, NO 43 BRAEMAR HILL, ROAD, N HONG KONG AF, POON, WAI MAN, with the seat at 18A, NO 43 BRAEMAR HILL, ROAD, N HONG KONG AF, NOLAN, JOHN WILLIAM, with the seat at APT 85 MANSOOR PLAZA KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN AF, WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER D, with the seat at 188/5 MOO2, TAMBON, THEPKASATTRI, AMPUR THALANG, PHUKET 83100 THIALA AF, LILLIMAN, DONALD F, with the seat at LOT 14, BLOCK 41. WASHINGTON AVE, CNT A JOHNSON ST, ROYALE TAGAYTAY AF, Cheung, Catherine CY, with the seat at J2 20 Scenic Drive Pokfulam Hong Kong HK, Morley, Robert E, with the seat at 1&2 /F 143 Luk Tei Tong Village Mui Wo, Lantau Hong Kong xxxx HK, James, Edward M, with the seat at 5A Ridley Park, No 05-04 Tanglin Park Singapore 248477 SG, James, Claire F, with the seat at 5A Ridley Park No 05-04 Tanglin Park Singapore 248477 SG, Leong, Alan KK, with the seat at Flat A, 17/F Serene Court 8 Kotewall Road, Mid-Levels Hong Kong xxx HK, Tan, Jennifer SH, with the seat at 132 Clarence Lane, No 02-16 Clarence Ville Singapore 140132 SG, Sim, Elsie MG, with the seat at 14 Kallang Way 5 Singapore 349032 SG, Smith, Raymond J, with the seat at 19F-2, 210 Wen Shin Road Section 1 Taichung 408 TW, Bigger, Raymond L, Mr, with the seat at 911 N. ORANGE AVENUE, #302 ORLANDO, FL 32801, Merkly, Marie-Christine E, with the seat at 27C Caperidge Drive Discovery Bay Hong Kong xxx HK, Wainwright, Dan J, with the seat at 3 Farm Lane Fulham London SW6 1PU GB.
WYRSCH, MATTHIAS | Birkenstrasse 15 6330 Cham Af |
LEUNG, WING LIM | 18A, No 43 Braemar Hill, Road, N Hong Kong Af |
POON, WAI MAN | 18A, No 43 Braemar Hill, Road, N Hong Kong Af |
NOLAN, JOHN WILLIAM | Apt 85 Mansoor Plaza Kingdom Of Bahrain Af |
WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER D | 188/5 Moo2, Tambon, Thepkasattri, Ampur Thalang, Phuket 83100 Thiala Af |
LILLIMAN, DONALD F | Lot 14, Block 41. Washington Ave, Cnt A Johnson St, Royale Tagaytay Af |
Cheung, Catherine CY | J2 20 Scenic Drive Pokfulam Hong Kong Hk |
Morley, Robert E | 1&2 /F 143 Luk Tei Tong Village Mui Wo, Lantau Hong Kong Xxxx Hk |
James, Edward M | 5A Ridley Park, No 05-04 Tanglin Park Singapore 248477 Sg |
James, Claire F | 5A Ridley Park No 05-04 Tanglin Park Singapore 248477 Sg |
Leong, Alan KK | Flat A, 17/F Serene Court 8 Kotewall Road, Mid-Levels Hong Kong Xxx Hk |
Tan, Jennifer SH | 132 Clarence Lane, No 02-16 Clarence Ville Singapore 140132 Sg |
Sim, Elsie MG | 14 Kallang Way 5 Singapore 349032 Sg |
Smith, Raymond J | 19F-2, 210 Wen Shin Road Section 1 Taichung 408 Tw |
Bigger, Raymond L, Mr | 911 N. Orange Avenue, #302 Orlando, Fl 32801 |
Merkly, Marie-Christine E | 27C Caperidge Drive Discovery Bay Hong Kong Xxx Hk |
Wainwright, Dan J | 3 Farm Lane Fulham London Sw6 1Pu Gb |
Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.