PEACE RIVER COLD STORAGE, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L08000104173. Incorporation date of the company is at 07 November, 2008 and its current status is ACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 100 E 6TH STREET FROSTPROOF, FL 33843.
Company type | Florida Limited Liability Company |
Entity number | L08000104173 |
FEI/EIN Number | 26-3715935 |
Date Filled | Nov 7, 2008 |
State | FL |
Status | Active |
Principal Address | 100 E 6Th Street Frostproof, Fl 33843 |
Mailing Address | 582 Beachland Blvd. Suite 300 Vero Beach, Fl 32963 |
Registered Agent | Taylor, Andrew |
PEACE RIVER COLD STORAGE, LLC is currently managed by 7 persons. Persons written in the register are BECKER, RICHARD W, with the seat at 141 ANCHOR DRIVE VERO BEACH, FL 32963, PLYMALE, BARTON M, with the seat at 1503 NO. ARCADIA AVE ARCADIA, FL 34266, TAYLOR, ANDREW R, with the seat at 1025 WINDING RIVER RD. VERO BEACH, FL 32963, BECKER, MARY ANN, with the seat at 141 ANCHOR DRIVE VERO BEACH, FL 32963, BECKER, FERDINAND FIII, with the seat at 1636 CARIBBEAN DR. SARASOTA, FL 34231, Rendell, Heidi Kathleen, with the seat at 1282 Scarlet Oak Circle Vero Beach, FL 32966, Vitale, Gregg, with the seat at 4104 NW Highway 72 Arcadia, FL 34266.
BECKER, RICHARD W | 141 Anchor Drive Vero Beach, Fl 32963 |
PLYMALE, BARTON M | 1503 No. Arcadia Ave Arcadia, Fl 34266 |
TAYLOR, ANDREW R | 1025 Winding River Rd. Vero Beach, Fl 32963 |
BECKER, MARY ANN | 141 Anchor Drive Vero Beach, Fl 32963 |
BECKER, FERDINAND FIII | 1636 Caribbean Dr. Sarasota, Fl 34231 |
Rendell, Heidi Kathleen | 1282 Scarlet Oak Circle Vero Beach, Fl 32966 |
Vitale, Gregg | 4104 Nw Highway 72 Arcadia, Fl 34266 |
Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.