MIDTOWN TWO UNIT H-1508 PARTNERSHIP, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L07000099418. Incorporation date of the company is at 01 October, 2007 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 3470 E. COAST AVENUE H-1508 MIAMI, FL 33137.
Company type | Florida Limited Liability Company |
Entity number | L07000099418 |
FEI/EIN Number | 26-2161342 |
Date Filled | Oct 1, 2007 |
Effective Filled | Sep 27, 2007 |
State | FL |
Status | Inactive |
Principal Address | 3470 E. Coast Avenue H-1508 Miami, Fl 33137 |
Mailing Address | 46 Wheelhouse Circle East Falmouth, Ma 02536 |
Registered Agent | Eldredge, Richard H |
MIDTOWN TWO UNIT H-1508 PARTNERSHIP, LLC is currently managed by 5 persons. Persons written in the register are CAPITAL EXPANSION LLC SERIES 1, with the seat at 46 WHEELHOUSE CIRCLE EAST FALMOUTH, MA 02536, MIDBLOCK 611, LLC, with the seat at 673 MAZELLE LANE PAHRUMP, NV 80960, MIDBLOCK MIAMI 1114, LLC, with the seat at 110 N 26TH AVENUE LANETT, AL 36863, MIDBLOCK UNIT 720, LLC, with the seat at 12 FORREST CENTRAL DRIVE TITUSVILLE, NY 08560, MT3 303, LLC, with the seat at 8214 SOUTH PEACH AVENUE BROKEN ARROW, OK 74011.
CAPITAL EXPANSION LLC SERIES 1 | 46 Wheelhouse Circle East Falmouth, Ma 02536 |
MIDBLOCK 611, LLC | 673 Mazelle Lane Pahrump, Nv 80960 |
MIDBLOCK MIAMI 1114, LLC | 110 N 26Th Avenue Lanett, Al 36863 |
MIDBLOCK UNIT 720, LLC | 12 Forrest Central Drive Titusville, Ny 08560 |
MT3 303, LLC | 8214 South Peach Avenue Broken Arrow, Ok 74011 |
Data on flopendata.com website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.