LIUBIU, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L07000077879. Incorporation date of the company is at 27 July, 2007 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 4221 WEST SPRUCE STREET UNIT #2425 TAMPA, FL 33607.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L07000077879
FEI/EIN Number 26-0583325
Date Filled Jul 27, 2007
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 4221 West Spruce Street Unit #2425
Tampa, Fl 33607
Mailing Address 4221 West Spruce Street Unit #2425
Tampa, Fl 33607
Registered Agent Frisch, Adam N

Officers / Directors

LIUBIU, LLC is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are FRISCH, ADAM N, with the seat at 8007 HAMPTON PARK BLVD. EAST JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, LEVY, JASON, with the seat at 4221 WEST SPRUCE STREET UNIT #2425 TAMPA, FL 33607, FRISCH, STEVEN M, with the seat at 4048 LIONHEART DRIVE JACKSONVILLE, FL 32216, WEITZENFELD, HAL, with the seat at 4704 WHISPERING WIND AVE TAMPA, FL 33614, PINTALUGA, ERIC, with the seat at 8325 SOUTH LAKE FOREST DRIVE DAVIE, FL 33328, SWENSON, MICHAEL, with the seat at 12008 HOPE LANE TAMPA, FL 33618.

FRISCH, ADAM N 8007 Hampton Park Blvd. East Jacksonville, Fl 32256
LEVY, JASON 4221 West Spruce Street Unit #2425 Tampa, Fl 33607
FRISCH, STEVEN M 4048 Lionheart Drive Jacksonville, Fl 32216
WEITZENFELD, HAL 4704 Whispering Wind Ave Tampa, Fl 33614
PINTALUGA, ERIC 8325 South Lake Forest Drive Davie, Fl 33328
SWENSON, MICHAEL 12008 Hope Lane Tampa, Fl 33618

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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