SAKTA GROUP, LLC is a business entity registered in the state of Florida. It can be found in the register by document number L07000023273. Incorporation date of the company is at 01 March, 2007 and its current status is INACTIVE. Principal address of this company is at 1401 BRICKELL AVE. SUITE 500 MIAMI, FL 33131.

Company type Florida Limited Liability Company
Entity number L07000023273
FEI/EIN Number
Date Filled Mar 1, 2007
Effective Filled Mar 1, 2007
State FL
Status Inactive
Principal Address 1401 Brickell Ave.
Suite 500
Miami, Fl 33131
Mailing Address 19355 Turnberry Way, Apt. 17-J
Aventura, Fl 33180
Registered Agent Peisach, Jaime

Officers / Directors

SAKTA GROUP, LLC is currently managed by 6 persons. Persons written in the register are PEISACH, JAIME, with the seat at 19355 TURNBERRY WAY APT. 17 J AVENTURA, FL 33180, DAVILA PENA, ALVARO, with the seat at CARRERA 23 NO. 94-33 BOGOTA,, 00 COLOM-BIA 00, GOMEZ CONDE, ALEJANDRO, with the seat at 4302 FOXTAIL LANE WESTON, FL 33331, JOSE MARQUEZ, ALVARO, with the seat at 1083 DEERWOOD LANE WESTON, FL 33326, CASTILLO TREJO, FREDY, with the seat at CARRETERA 14 A 141 A 27 CASA 48 BOGOTA, COLOMBIA, 00 27200-1 00, ECHEVERRY CAMPOS, DARIO, with the seat at 226 BAL CROSS DRIVE BAL HARBOUR, FL 33154.

PEISACH, JAIME 19355 Turnberry Way Apt. 17 J Aventura, Fl 33180
DAVILA PENA, ALVARO Carrera 23 No. 94-33 Bogota,, 00 Colom-Bia 00
GOMEZ CONDE, ALEJANDRO 4302 Foxtail Lane Weston, Fl 33331
JOSE MARQUEZ, ALVARO 1083 Deerwood Lane Weston, Fl 33326
CASTILLO TREJO, FREDY Carretera 14 A 141 A 27 Casa 48 Bogota, Colombia, 00 27200-1 00
ECHEVERRY CAMPOS, DARIO 226 Bal Cross Drive Bal Harbour, Fl 33154

Data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.

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